OMG Mobile Application - Now Avaiable!

Yes, it has been a while since we have written a promotional blog for our own company but today we have a very fitting reason. I am happy to announce that our Omaha Media Group LLC application is now available for download from the Apple App Store for free.
Click the link to download the application now:
A Mobile App? Why?
Why did we feel the need for an iPhone application? It is pretty simple, for the first time smartphones surpassed PC sales in the last quarter of 2010 and continue to dominate the consumer PC markets. Right now outside of great search inclusion and social networking strategies there is really no better way to keep our customers engaged in our products, services, and in touch with our company. But lets be honest, we would be lying if we didn't admin to a little vanity behind our application's development. I mean come on, who doesn't want their own iPhone application? Other reasons include project demonstrations, usage monitoring and tracking to help us better understand our customers, and to display our elite mobile application development skills. The list goes on and on.
No iPhone?
Don't have an iPhone? No sweat, our application is currently under review on both Android and Windows Mobile platforms and should be available in the very near future. We will send out another newsletter when they are available for you to go download.
Your Own Mobile App?
Is your company interested in a similar application but don't have the first clue on how to go about getting one? Are you positive that your company doesn't have the budget for a mobile or the development support for your own company application? Let us know, you would be surprised how affordable mobile development is. Call us for more details, we would love to hear from you.
Please feel free to pass this along to your friends, associates, and family.
Omaha Media Group, LLC
Monster Creative Management
(800) 601-6765 office
Posted In: Mobile Applications